Weather still misty with drizzle so we put off doing anything for a bit. I guess it’s the turn of the South East to have some fine summer weather – there have been several weeks when we have had brilliant weather and have heard on the radio of rain, floods etc further south. Now the jetstream is back in its normal place and so it’s time for us to head south. To play for time we decided to motor round to Sailean Mor which is a narrow inlet in the tidal island of Oronsay. We had been there years ago in the Wayfarer. This formed a pleasant lunch stop and we have since heard that the innermost part dries out to sand and is a good place to shelter in bad weather.
After lunch we motored and sailed slowly up Loch Sunart and stopped at Salen. This has been much improved since our last visit and now has 4 moorings and a new pontoon with several spaces. We chose the pontoon. After supper we walked to the hotel for a drink. Whilst chatting to a pensioner couple who had moved here a few years ago we were entertained to note that the wife had finished a bottle of wine; however the husband was drinking beer so we could not measure his consumption. On the walk back to the boat we carefully stepped off the road whenever we heard a car.
Follow the
track on Google Maps.
Approaching Loch Sunart |