We visited the Muck Open Day which was a most unusual event. The Shearwater arrived from Arisaig (via Eigg) at 10 am, so we made sure we got to the tea shop just before the crowd arrived. After everyone had had plenty of time to have a snack we were taken across the island by 3 tractors and trailers. Every few hundred yards we all stopped and the Laird, Laurence MacEwen, gave a short talk about that part of the island and also about its history and the type of farming and wildlife conservation schemes that were carried on. His family have owned and farmed the island for many years. He is very much a hands-on laird and has been heavily involved in farming the island all his life, with his favourite aspect being rearing cattle. We got off at the farm where he showed us the old byres where he keeps the cattle. There were a couple of pigs in residence but the cows were all outside. He no longer has any milking cows as it would be on too small a scale for all the processing equipment which is now mandatory.
Returning to the harbour we just missed Chris and Anna who had paid a brief visit and then returned to Eigg. We sailed over to Eigg and went straight into the inner harbour, ready to dry out in the evening. Excellent meal of crab, salad, wine etc with Chris and Anna. They even brought some wine with them – I didn’t know that kayak camping was so civilised.
Follow our
track on Google Maps.
The anchorage at Port Mor, Muck |
The Laird, Laurence MacEwen |
Chris and Anna were already at the campsite on Eigg |