Saturday, 23 June 2012

Saturday 23 June 2012 – Rodel

Visited the famous St Clement’s Church at Rodel.  Apparently it is the second biggest old church in the Hebrides, but seems quite small, and contains a specially decorated tomb or 2.

We were given 2 mackerel by the chef at the hotel after he and his assistant arrived back from their morning fishing trip.  We were then given 2 crabs by a fisherman who really only wanted to catch lobster.  Lunch at the hotel.  Dried out in the harbour to check for fouling on the bottom (none) and clean the prop again (hardly necessary).  Biked over to the other side of the island.  After-supper beer at the hotel then returned to the mooring as we did not want to have to supervise taking the ground in the small hours.
St Clement’s church – special Tomb

St Clement’s church

St Clement’s church

Nearly dried out at Rodel
Golf on the machair – W of N Uist
Ancient standing stone